Ep. 43: Sustainable Practices for Managing Mud and Manure


Whether the result of heavy rain or snow melt, this time of year many horse facilities are struggling with mud. In this episode we explore practical tips and expert insights on managing mud and manure on your horse property. From improving facility drainage and minimizing mud in high-traffic areas to creating clean, dry spaces where your horses can eat and relax, we’ve got you covered.

This week’s special guest Alayne Blickle from Horses for Clean Water joins Dr. Clair and Jill and shares her expertise on mud and manure management as well as advice on protecting waterways. We cover topics including:

  • what mud actually is
  • why mud is not your horse’s friend
  • things to do when you already have mud in high traffic areas
  • common mud mitigation mistakes
  • where to put your manure pile
  • how to ensure that your manure pile is not polluting waterways
  • how to manage drainage on your facility 
  • how to create mud free shelters and eating areas
  • how your horse’s diet may be contributing to environmental pollution
  • And so much more!

To learn more about Alayne Blickle and Horses for Clean Water:

Website https://horsesforcleanwater.com/   

Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/HorsesForCleanWater 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/horsesforcleanwater/?hl=en   

Do you have questions about feeding your horse? Contact us at info@scoopandscale.com   


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