Ep. 40: Surviving in the Cold: Horse Feeding and Management for Winter

Severe winter weather always raises concerns among horse owners regarding the management of various cold weather challenges and the proper care of their horses.  What counts as severe depends on where you live but no matter the location the biggest concerns tend to relate colic risk and weight loss. In this episode we discuss:

  • how to keep your horses hydrated when their water is freezing
  • whether feeding more hay or grain is best to maintain body condition in cold weather
  • the importance of salt for hydration
  • why horses are at greater risk for impaction colic when temperatures freeze
  • How your horse can use their diet to keep warm
  • Why blankets can help reduce your feed bill
  • Plus tips on how to make winter barn chores more manageable
  • and so much more!

    Do you have questions about feeding your horse? Contact us at info@scoopandscale.com  

    Thanks for riding along with us!

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