Ep. 23: Is How My Horse Sweats Normal?

Temperatures are starting to rise across the country! We start to think about ways of keeping our horses cool in the summer months. Switching turn out times to overnight hours, hanging fans and adding electrolytes are some of the common things that people do.  Horses rely heavily on sweating to keep cool.  In this episode, we talk to Dr. Samantha Brooks from the University of Florida where she heads up the Brooks Equine Genetics Lab. In this episode we talk about:

  • How horses cool themselves;
  • What is happening when their cooling systems don’t work;
  • What is anhidrosis;
  • Is this a permanent condition;
  • Best practices to help keep horses sweating and cool;
  • The state of equine research funding in the United States;
  • And so much more!

To learn more about Dr. Samantha Brooks and the Brooks Equine Genetic Lab http://www.ufequinegenetics.org/home.html  

Do you have questions about feeding your horse? Contact us at info@scoopandscale.com  


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