Ep. 14: Senior Feeds–Not Just For Old Horses

You see a sweet old horse on the bag, and the name clearly says “senior” in it. So that’s the right feed for your aged equine, right? Not necessarily.

The horse feed industry doesn’t have a standard for what makes a senior feed a senior feed. And, in fact, some products marketed as senior feeds are Dr. Clair’s favorite recommendations for horses requiring high-fat, high-fiber diets to maintain or gain weight. That’s also why Michelle gives a senior feed to a growing 2-year-old, a 7-year-old in full training, and a picky 21-year-old retiree.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • What defines a “senior” horse.
  • Causes of weight loss in older horses and how senior feeds might help maintain body condition.
  • Why senior feeds might not be the right choice for easy-keeping horses with age-related metabolic conditions (like equine metabolic syndrome and insulin dysregulation) that cause weight gain and laminitis.
  • The difference between a complete feed and a concentrate.
  • The benefits of fat and fiber as calorie sources.
  • Why senior feeds might be good for horses with dental issues or prone to choke.
  • And more!

Do you have questions about feeding seniors, or feeding senior feeds to younger horses? Contact us at info@scoopandscale.com

Thanks for riding along with us!

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