Ep. 44: Understanding PSSM1: Nutritional Management for Your Horse


Tying-up is a muscle condition in horses that has long plagued owners. From random one off episodes on warm sunny days to recurrent ones during exercise tying-up can result from many causes. Some, like Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (PSSM1) are the result of a genetic condition that affects muscle metabolism, leading to muscle stiffness and pain. In this episode we discuss:

– what defines recurrent tying-up

– causes and symptoms of tying-up

-breeds affected by PSSM 1

-how to test for PSSM 1

-appropriate feeding programs for horses with PPSM 1

-management and exercise requirement for horses with PSSM1

-and so much more!

To learn more about the United States Pony Club HERE  

Do you have questions about feeding your horse? Contact us at info@scoopandscale.com   

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